Production History

The Enersight system can store and forecast against actual production history. The history data is imported into the program and stored as a production history well, which exists at a company database level. Each production history well can then be associated with any number of individual well assets in any number of projects. The production history can be used in the calculations and can be used for reforecasting. The system supports oil, gas, NGL, condensate, water and injection water historic data.

NGL and condensate history must be mapped to existing product streams in available in Enersight (e.g., propane or pentane).

A company’s production history is accessed from Manage Production History via the Administrator section. History data that is linked to project assets, view the History tab of the Production section. Both daily and monthly values can be imported and used based on calculations settings.

To access Production History:

  1. From the Administrator tab, click Manage Production History.
  2. You will see all production history wells listed.
  3. Click image to expand or minimize. 

  4. From the Well Management screen, click on a well record for a detailed history
  5. Click image to expand or minimize.

  6. In the History tab, you will find the history linked to the production well.
  7. Click image to expand or minimize.